Diagnosing an Ankyloglossia through university extension in Dentistry


  • Ytalo Maciel Universidade de Pernambuco Campus Arcoverde
  • Adriano Referino da silva sobrinho
  • Israel Luis Diniz Carvalho
  • Juliana De Godoy Bezerra Medrado
  • Jakeline Cabral da silva oliveira




Anquiloglossia, Freio Lingual, Odontopediatria


Ankyloglossia is a language developmental anomaly that is characterized by the insertion of the atypical lingual frenulum causing an impediment to correct tongue movements. The purpose of this extension was to bring to the Pernambuco backwoods a service to diagnose lingual brake changes that prevent the newborn from breastfeeding and subsequent weight gain. Method: the extension activity focused on the insertion of the university within the family health strategy, where the students linked to the project carried out ankyloglossia diagnosis activities within the family health units of the municipality of Arcoverde-PE. Results: A total of 60 exams were performed to diagnose lingual brake disorders, bringing benefits to the population and knowledge for the students. Conclusion: The loose language extension project brought to the student a knowledge that is not addressed within the curriculum and brought to the population information on newborn health and also a free and efficient standardized diagnostic service.


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How to Cite

Maciel, Y., Referino da silva sobrinho, A., Luis Diniz Carvalho, I., De Godoy Bezerra Medrado, J., & Cabral da silva oliveira, J. (2020). Diagnosing an Ankyloglossia through university extension in Dentistry. Revista De Extensão Da UPE, 5(2), 19–25. https://doi.org/10.56148/2675-2328reupe.v5n2.20.pp19-25